The full-body thai massage have a unique choreography, during which our masseur goes over all parts of the body and besides her palms she uses her knees and feet as well to press particular points on the body.
This type of massage is applied on a special bed over the whole body surface. Beyond releasing stress and stimulating circulation, oils used at massages get into the organism -within that into the skin and bloodstream- where they can exert their beneficial effects.
Massages aimed at the back and head, done similarly to a traditional body massage: on a mattress wearing a linen cloth. Spasmodic back muscles resulted from stressful lifestyle, frequent sitting work and poor posture can be relaxed the best by this type of massage.
This type of massage is given in comfortable armchairs. Following the cleaning of the feet, by pressing the acupressure points starting from the soles along the calves, we get upwards to the knees.
The massage combinations formed according to our guests’ needs have been put together from existing massage types based on our previous experiences.